Tobii Dynavox Core Words, AAC and Pathways Power Academy!

Hello! Lovely to have you here, an exciting first blog post for me today! Last Thursday I went to the Tobii Dynavox Core Words, AAC & Pathways Power Academy event in Leicester. This was my first event as a student Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) - eeek! It was great to see fellow DMU student SLT's on the day, as well as meeting some lovely SLT's. Since the wonderful Jules (from Wheels for Words ) came and talked to us at uni in a workshop last year, I have felt so passionate about AAC (Alternative Augmented Communication) and the difference this can make to make to people with communication difficulties. In particular ensuring that we as professionals presume competence when working in this field. So, when Jules shared the event I was very excited to go and learn more! Bethany Diener, an SLP (Speech and Language Pathologist) was our main speaker during the day, alongside the other 3 fab members of the Tobii Dynavox team. Their knowledge and expertise...