RCSLT East Midlands Hub: Let's get digital! --- Part One
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RCSLT Hubs Logo (source: https://twitter.com/rcslthubs) |
Hello there! Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope
you’re having a lovely sunny week. This blog post is a little bit different - I thought it would be fab to invite my lovely fellow student speechies to
write a little about what they thought of the event!
I have complied Jess, Shagufta and Tara’s wonderful reflections into part two of this mini post series to keep things nice and accessible for everyone to read.
I have complied Jess, Shagufta and Tara’s wonderful reflections into part two of this mini post series to keep things nice and accessible for everyone to read.
So, this is part one; some info about the hub, my reflections of the day and some extra awareness chat too.
With all of my assignments submitted for the summer (yay!) off
I went to this year's East Midlands RCSLT Hub, held in Leicester. I was excited
to be going with 3 other DMU Speech and Language Therapists (SLT/SALTs) students; Tara, Shagufta and Jess,
and it was great to see a few of our lecturers there too!
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT)
has regional ‘hubs’ throughout the UK, which provides SLT’s and student SLT’s
with opportunities to build evidence bases, share research, promote the
profession to others and form networks for collaboration.
During the day, we had talks about digital updates within
the RCSLT, the barriers to the use of technology within SLT practise, and a
collation of ‘lightning talks’ from SLT’s who have had experience of
implementing technology into clinical practise. We also had a fab ‘year of
social media’ presentation from the Nottingham Healthcare Trust SLT team, I
would highly recommend following them at @Portland_SLT on twitter! Last but by no means
least, we heard from Della Money, the RCSLT Board of Trustees Deputy Chair, who
spoke to us about next steps both for the use of technology in SLT practise but
also for the east midlands Hub.
I really enjoyed the day, it was so informative and it was
great to be part of a group of SLT’s supporting each other and sharing their
experiences towards improving their SLT practise through technology. I am very
much looking forward to the next Hub and can’t wait to see what we can achieve.
As a little bonus, I am briefly going to mention the Bercow 10 Years On petition. If you’re interested in learning more please let me know and I can write another post dedicated to this, I know we
have chatted lots and this has been a little lengthy!
This year, the RCSLT and ICAN have been raising awareness of
the Bercow 10 Years On report. SLT’s across the country have been taking part
in the Bercow10relay and we have our very own Bercow10 speech bubble at DMU
thank to the RCSLT! I was very excited to finally have a photo with the speech
bubble to help raise awareness of the desperately needed provision of speech and language support
for children with SCLN. You can sign the petition here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/215643.
Here are some links for more information regarding Bercow 10
years on if you’re interested in learning more: www.bercow10yearson.com and https://www.rcslt.org/governments/bercow_ten
In light of the fab #LetsGetDigital
theme, I have popped some social media links below:
- You can follow the central RCSLT Hubs here: RCSLTHubs and if you’re in the East Mids, you can follow the east midlands RCSLT hub on twitter here: RCSLTeastmidshub
- You can follow Tara on twitter here: @tara_wilson91
- You can follow Jess on twitter here: @Jess84976341
- You can follow Shagufta on twitter here: @shaguftaghumra
- My twitter is: @SpeechieatDMU, and my LinkedIn is Charlotte Thompson
The biggest of thankyou’s to Tara, Jess and Shagufta for contributing
to this mini post series! I loved collaborating with my fellow DMU SLT2b’s, and hope
to do a little bit more of in the future. Also, a huge thank you to all the
organisers and speakers at the East Mids RCSLT Hub!
And thank YOU for reading, it means
a lot to me. As always, I would love to hear from you – any questions (or you’d
just like to chat) I am more than happy to answer, please leave me a comment or
pop me an email.
For more in-depth reflections about #LetsGetDigital and the
RCSLT Hubs, pop over to Part Two of this mini series and have a read of Jess, Tara and Shagufta’s post here: https://speechieatdmu.blogspot.com/2018/06/part-two-rcslt-east-midlands-hub-lets.html See you there!
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