Lovely news: Giving Voice Awards 2019
Giving Voice is the SLT campaign working to 'give voice' to and support anyone with a speech, language, swallowing or communication need. You can read more about Giving Voice here.
As a student SLT, it is a complete honour to be involved with the RCSLT
and Giving Voice. The recognition means so much to me, I really have loved
studying speech and language therapy so far. It’s wonderful being able to share
what we do, raise awareness of our profession, the RCSLT and the amazing people
we are privileged to help.
Have a lovely rest of your day,
Long time no see... how are you? I hope you're well, and that your week
is treating you kindly so far.
I have had some much needed time off from tweeting and
blogging this year, whilst I completed my second year of my speech and
language therapy (SLT) degree and had a break over the summer. I am excited to
be metaphorically dipping my toes back in again!
The real reason I am writing this post is that I get to share some
incredibly lovely news today...
I am so excited to announce that I was nominated
for a joint Giving Voice award by the wonderful Janet Harrison!
I received a Giving Voice award
alongside Jacqui Learoyd and Claire Westwood,
and I feel very lucky to be in such good company. We have been recognised
for our 'outstanding' and 'sustainable' social media campaign to 'shine a
light on the transformative work of speech and language therapists';
including both the #mySLTday and the #mystudentSLTday hashtags. The lovely
Janet recorded a video where she talks about her nominations:
We were invited to the Royal College of Speech and Language
Therapists (RCSLT) honours ceremony and the Giving Voice awards event, 25th
September 2019, the evening of the first day of the RCSLT conference 2019! We were presented
our awards by HRH The Countess of Wessex, our RCSLT patron. I had such an amazing
evening at the awards, it was a humbling and special night. I felt very proud
to be part of the speech and language therapy community and to know such
incredible humans.
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HRH The Countess of Wessex, patron of RCSLT, Nick Hewer, RCSLT
president presenting us with our awards
A massive thank you (again) to Janet for nominating me, it is so amazing
to even have been nominated and I am so grateful for her support! I was so
happy to meet Janet and thank her in person at the awards evening - meeting her
was definitely one of my very favourite part of the evening.
I am delighted to have received the award with Jacqui and Claire, who
are both incredible and amazing SLT's. It was such a pleasure to meet them in
real life and get to know them. I am so excited to see what they both do
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I really loved the new prompts by Giving Voice and RCSLT for SLTs on social media to collate and connect everyone’s experiences and stories. #mySLTday is a wonderful way to share and raise awareness of what we do, and with scope for this to reach wider audiences. I saw a really great opportunity for student SLT too, and having loved sharing my student experiences on social media - I thought #mystudentSLTday would be a fab addition to share out SLT stories! Big thank you to the Giving Voice team for all their support with this, it has been wonderful to see it grow this year.
So, to finish up this post today I am sharing some thoughts about social media and how we might continue to use and make the most of it as SLT's... I would love to know what you think!
I believe that we can continue to utilise social media to connect with other SLTs and students, share information, research and support, to raise awareness of our profession and how we can support people with SLCNs.
I am passionate that our next steps in social media and profession are to continue to expand our reach and communities beyond SLT to: education, SENCOs, justice system, families and parents - and many more!
In addition to this, we can support our student and SLT colleagues to use social media in their professional lives.
In addition to this, we can support our student and SLT colleagues to use social media in their professional lives.
I would would love to see speech and language therapy societies and groups further connected across universities - with collaboration, support, and sharing of resources & research being the aim - perhaps connecting similar to RCSLT hubs.
Finally, a big big thank you to the RCSLT team for organising the event
and for having me!
Photos below (L to R): Della Money, RCSLT Chair, and myself! The 2019 award winners. Myself and RCSLT banner!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, I really do appreciate it! As always, I would love to chat with you so please don't hesitate to pop me a comment below, find me on twitter, ping me an email at or find me on LinkedIn.
Have a lovely rest of your day,
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